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- Micronutrient Test (Test M) - Add-On to Standard Soil Test (Test A)
Micronutrient Test (Test M) - Add-On to Standard Soil Test (Test A)
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Micronutrient Test Includes: Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Copper
Please Note: This test is an Add-On to Standard Soil (Test A) and can only be performed if you have also ordered the Standard Soil (Test A)
This test is also great to run on your lawn, garden and planting beds as well!
Your order confirmation email will also provide specific instructions on how to take and provide your soil sample.
Please Submit 3 Cups of Soil Per Sample.
Please Note: This test is an Add-On to Standard Soil (Test A) and can only be performed if you have also ordered the Standard Soil (Test A)
This test is also great to run on your lawn, garden and planting beds as well!
Your order confirmation email will also provide specific instructions on how to take and provide your soil sample.
Please Submit 3 Cups of Soil Per Sample.
How To Take A Soil Sample:
- The soil sample must be representative of your lawn or garden area, pasture, field crops, forages, etc. Here are some tips on improving the accuracy of your soil tests:
- Samples can be taken with a soil probe, pipe, auger, spade or hand trowel. (See diagram below)
- Remove the top debris, residue or turf thatch from the soil.
- Sample gardens, trees, shrubs, flower beds, hay fields, forages and field crops 6 – 8 inches deep. Sample 4 inches deep for lawn and grass pasture fields.
- Randomly zigzag over the area collecting 10 – 15 cores or slices in a clean plastic bucket.
- Do not include cores from any unusual locations such as manure areas, old fence rows, fertilizer or lime spill areas, etc.
- Each core or slice should be taken at the same depth and volume at each site.
- Break up lumps and thoroughly mix the composite sample.
- Place 3 measuring cups of soil in the plastic bag.
- The soil can be sent either wet or dry.
- Be sure to label the bag with a sample description.
- Complete the Soil Sample Information Sheet.
- Send the soil sample(s) to: Holmes Laboratory, Inc. * 3559 US RT. 62 * Millersburg, OH 44654
We always welcome any questions,
for additional information, call (330) 893-2933 or (330) 893-1326
for additional information, call (330) 893-2933 or (330) 893-1326